2017-18 Chair

John Bramble, MLIS

MCMLA Strategic Goals and Objectives 2016-17

This Year's Theme: Work SMART

This means that the work we do will be: 

Specific – focus on a specific area for improvement.

Measurable – quantify or agree to an indicator measuring progress.

Assignable – specify who will do it.

Realistic – state the results and make sure it can realistically be achieved.

Time aware – specify when the results can be achieved.

Activities for the year: 

1.  Implement the MCMLA 5 year Strategic Plan 

Strategic Area 1: 

Member engagement

Goal 1: MCMLA Members utilize chapter programs and services

Goal 2: MCMLA leadership, committee, task force, etc., positions have broad representation of members

Strategic Area 2: 

Continuing education & professional development

Goal 1: MCMLA members’ educational and professional needs are supported

Strategic Area 3: 


Goal 1: MCMLA members are involved in member-driven research

Strategic Area 4:


Goal 1: MCMLA members are health sciences librarianship advocates

Goal 2: MCMLA members are aware of MCMLA, MLA Chapters, ALA, MLA, etc. advocacy resources

Strategic Area 5: Professional networking

Goal 1: MCMLA members share and network throughout the year

Strategic Area 6: Financial responsibility

Goal 1: MCMLA members are aware of the chapter financial management plan

2.  Investigate MCMLA Publishing Conference Proceedings 

We are looking for someone to chair this task force along with 2-3 members to carry out the investigation. If  you are interested, please contact John. 

Additional details of the investigation will be shared here when the task force begins its work.

3. Investigate MLA as being the chapter's online services provider. 

We are looking for someone to chair this task force along with 2-3 members to carry out the investigation. If  you are interested, please contact John. 

Additional details of the investigation will be shared here when the task force begins its work.

John Bramble is currently employed at the University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library. His project areas is Research Enterprise/Utah Outreach Coordinator for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, MidContinental Region.

John received a Masters in Library and Information Sciences from Florida State University in 2003. John provides instruction on how to access quality/authoritative health related online resources to all audience levels from laypersons to biomedical researchers. He provides instruction to small and large groups, in-person or online synchronous / asynchronous classrooms, and self-directed online learning modules. 

John is working on a Masters in Biomedical Informatics from the University of Utah and plans to graduate at the end of the Fall term in 2018.

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