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Midcontinental Chapter
of the Medical Library Association


Welcome to the MCMLA blog!
  • 25 Jan 2018 2:08 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    The deadline for submissions for the February issue of the Express is Friday, February 16. YOU are what makes the Express great, so please consider sending something in to share with your MCMLA colleagues. Please send in a blurb about your work! And don't forget to let me know about any papers, posters, presentations, awards, or any other recognition you or a fellow member have received, so we can recognize your efforts. You can email me at sprochia at



    Amanda K. Sprochi, MA, MLIS, AHIP
    Health Sciences Cataloger
    J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library
    The University of Missouri
    1 Hospital Drive
    Columbia, MO  65212
    (573) 882-0461

  • 22 Dec 2017 12:03 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    Check it out!

    Happy Holidays, all.

  • 14 Nov 2017 3:32 PM | Deleted user

    (The following information comes courtesy of Pat Hawthorne (University of Nevada Las Vegas).  See below for contact information and links.)

    2018 LLAMA Career Institute Explores the Transition into Leadership

    Do you see yourself as a supervisor, manager, director or dean some day? If you think leadership is in your future, you can start preparing yourself now by learning from successful leaders as they share the experiences they sought and the steps they took.

    The Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) will present Moving into Leadership: Transitioning into a New Roleon Friday, February 9, 2018, from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., in conjunction with the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting in Denver. This institute will feature a panel of eight experienced academic, public, and health sciences library leaders discussing how they prepared for their leadership roles, followed by facilitated tabletop discussions on a variety of leadership topics.

    Participants will:

    - Learn about the different career paths of library leaders from a variety of types of libraries;
    - Explore how a library leader new to their role identifies priorities, focuses their energy, and manages their time;
    - Hear what library leaders actually encountered – expected and unexpected – in their new leadership roles;
    - Understand the role and importance of mentors and mentoring for aspiring leaders;
    - Identify what knowledge, experience, and competencies they need to develop in order to position themselves for a leadership role.
    - Have an opportunity for informal conversation with panelists and other participants.

    Attendees will increase their competence in several of LLAMA’s 14 foundational leadership competencies including communication skills, change management, collaboration and partnerships, problem solving, and evidence-based decision making.

    Panelists: Michael Levine-Clark, Dean of the University of Denver Libraries; Mark Stover, Ph.D., Dean of the Oviatt Library at California State University, Northridge; Melissa De Santis, Director of the Health Science Library at the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver; Lisa Traditi, Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Health Science Library at the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver; Michelle Jeske, Denver City Librarian, Colorado, leads the 26-location urban library system; John Spears, Executive Director of the Pikes Peak Library District in Colorado; Gary Shaffer, Ph.D., Assistant Dean/Director of the University of Southern California Libraries Center for Library Leadership & Management; and Head of the USC Master of Management in Library & Information Science; Kimberly Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of the Tulsa City-County Library

    More speaker information is available at:


    $145 for LLAMA Divisional Members; $195 for ALA members; $75 for Students and Retired Members; $295 for Non-Members.

    Register online at: – this takes you to “Ticketed Events” on the ALA Annual site; then search for LLAMA Institute (Event Code: LLA2).

    *Includes workshop materials and lunch. Pre-registration is recommended; on-site registration is subject to availability. The LLAMA Career Institute is open to all.

    About the LLAMA Career Institute

    Introduced at the 2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting, the LLAMA Career Institute is a continuing education offering aimed at early-career professionals and professionals at any career stage seeking to acquire new knowledge, skills, and competencies in support of active and ongoing career development or potential career changes.

    About the Library Leadership and Management Association
    The Library Leadership and Management Association ( advances outstanding leadership and management practices in library and information services by encouraging and nurturing individual excellence in current and aspiring library leaders. LLAMA is a division of the American Library Association.

  • 03 Nov 2017 12:30 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    The MLA Medical Informatics Section (MIS) awards up to $1,500 to support a career development activity that will contribute to the advancement of the field of medical informatics.  If you’ve been wanting to take a course or attend a conference related to medical informatics but haven’t had the funds, then this is an opportunity worth exploring! MIS membership is a preferred qualification, so as a member you already have a step up on the competition! 


    The deadline to apply is December 1, 2017. For further information or to apply, go to the grant information page at

  • 30 Oct 2017 9:13 AM | Amanda Sprochi

    Just a reminder that the deadline for nominations for the Colaianni and Broadman awards are due November 1, 2017. See blog posts below for more details.

  • 26 Oct 2017 1:55 PM | Deleted user

    (The following announcement comes courtesy of Rose Turner, Research & Instruction Librarian, University of Pittsburgh.  For questions about the award, please review the contact information listed in the announcement.)

    Subject:  Recognize a librarian for engaging with local, state, or federal government towards improved health

    Dear Colleagues, 

    Are you aware of a librarian who has engaged with the local, state, or federal government to encourage improved health? 

    The Carla J. Funk Governmental Relations Award recognizes a medical librarian who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the area of governmental relations at the local, state, or federal level, and who has furthered the goal of providing quality information for improved health. 

    Named in honor of Carla J. Funk, Executive Director (1992-2015) of the Medical Library Association, who worked diligently and passionately to provide visibility for the association and profession, and to further the association’s governmental relations agenda, the award was established in 2008 through a contribution from Kent Smith, FMLA.

    The recipient receives a certificate and a cash award of $500. Nominees must be current members of MLA, and have been a MLA member at the time the governmental relations activities occurred. Self-nominations are welcome. 

    More information and the nomination form can be found at fid=247. Nominations are due by November 1, 2017, 11:59PM (CT).

    Questions may be directed to Jury Chair, Wendy Herman ( 


  • 20 Oct 2017 11:13 AM | Amanda Sprochi

    Hi MCMLAers:

    The deadline for submissions for the November issue of the Express is Friday, November 10. YOU are what makes the Express great, so please consider sending something in to share with your MCMLA colleagues. Please send in a blurb about your work! And don't forget to let me know about any papers, posters, presentations, awards, or any other recognition you or a fellow member have received, so we can recognize your efforts. Any of you who attended the annual meeting, please forward me your posters, papers, etc. if you would like them to appear in the Newsletter. We will feature them and have links to the content if you wish. Also consider writing up an account of something interesting you saw at the conference or forward any pictures you may want to share. These will also go into the MCMLA archives for posterity! You can email me at sprochia at with any questions.


    Amanda K. Sprochi, MA, MLIS, AHIP

    Health Sciences Cataloger

    J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library

    The University of Missouri

    1 Hospital Drive

    Columbia, MO  65212

    (573) 882-0461

  • 04 Oct 2017 12:50 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    Do you know someone who is a dynamic and exceptional hospital librarian? Someone who is a visionary who deserves to be recognized for his or her outstanding service in hospital librarianship? Now is the time to nominate them for MLA’s Lois Ann Colaianni Award for Excellence and Achievement in Hospital Librarianship. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations are due no later than November 1, 2017. For details and a nomination form, see

    Questions can be directed to Barb Gushrowski, Jury Chair, at

  • 28 Sep 2017 11:43 AM | Amanda Sprochi

    Posting at the request of the Brodman Award Jury. Please address any questions to them--aks

    Please excuse cross postings. 

    Apply now for the Estelle Brodman Award for the Academic Medical Librarian of the Year.”

    The Estelle Brodman Award recognizes an academic medical librarian at mid-career level who demonstrates significant achievement, the potential for leadership, and continuing excellence.  Recipients receive a certificate at the MLA annual meeting and a cash award of $500 following the meeting.

    Criteria for the award are as follows:

    • The nominee must be a member of MLA.
    • The nominee must be in “mid-career” at the time of the award, defined as someone working at least 5 years and not more than 15 years in an academic health sciences library; the nominee may not be a library director.
    • The nominee must have worked in an academic health sciences library for each of the last five years immediately preceding the nomination, and must be an academic health sciences librarian at the time of the award.
    • The nomination may be made for outstanding national or international contributions to academic health sciences librarianship as demonstrated by excellence in performance (leadership), publications, research, service, or a combination of these four elements.
    • The nominee must show potential for leadership and continuing excellence at mid-career in the area of academic health sciences librarianship.

    Self-nominations are accepted and encouraged! 

    For details and a nomination form, see Estelle Brodman Award.

    The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, November 1st (11:59 CT).

    Please direct any questions to Kathleen Carlson, Brodman Award Jury Chair, at .​

    Thank you. We hope to see a lot of applications.

    Kathleen Carlson, MLS, D-AHIP

    Associate and Education Librarian

    UA College of Medicine Phoenix

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